I'm getting old

My little man is now in KINDERGARTEN!!! WHAT!!???

It seriously does not feel like it has been that long, but there he is in his new class with his new teacher. My little big man. He is going to grow so much this year! I'm excited but also a little sad that this tiny human is getting so big.

I think I would be a whole lot more emotional if drop off and pick up was less... ummm CRAZY. I seriously left 10 min later then normal which is still 20 min before class starts at 8am and I got him dropped off at 8:04 because the line of parents was so freaking long. Uhhhh there is zero wiggle room in the time we leave window. I think they need a better system. Or maybe things will smooth out soon.

Anyway. This weekend I am going to meal plan and prep so that my days are a little less cray-cray. :D  I'll share with you what I come up with.