Bible Reading Plan...

It is the new year which means it is the time for new resolutions, or goals. One of my goals this year is to read through the bible in a year. I have never actually done this before. I have started many times, but never actually finished. It is 2011 and I again have decided to read through the bible. This time I will be following one of the Navigators bible reading plans.

This is the one I chose. 

They have a couple others if you want to check it out here. Bible Reading Plans

So I hope to get up every morning with my bible and a cup of coffee to enjoy some quiet time before the family wakes up. Though some days the baby decides to get up extra early and does not permit me to do this, in which case I will have to wait for his nap time. Friends if you are reading this blog please keep me accountable! :D 


  1. This will be a great encouragement! I am trying to do so as well. I will be at least a month behind because I started and I am waiting to resume since we are doing "Lord, teach me to study the Bible in 28 days" by Kay Arthur at Ladies' Bible Study. Do miss you...

  2. Haha...that was me, Kate. Didn't realize Robert was logged into gmail
