It was our first day at the hanger. We had a safety briefing for about an hour, and a tour of the hanger for about two hours. Our guide for the hanger took us to every person’s office in the building and announced that we were there. After about the third time it became funny to us. We didn’t know where to go at first and our tour guide being so polite let us walk in front. We soon figured out that we would enter every door. By 10AM we were finishing up our tour, and heading to the briefing room for tea and the daily devotional. Teatime is a tradition at AIM AIR that takes priority over everything else. It’s one of those cultural things. They all call the tea Chai but it is just tea bags and milk.
After this new and amazing teatime and devotional we finally hit the floor. I helped a young man also named Joseph change the breaks and tires on a Caravan. And we did some hydraulic work on the DC3. I know it doesn’t sound like much but it truly was an exciting day for me to get my hands dirty again. I remembered my early years in Christ under the belly of an F-15, delighting in my work because I know my Lord. Even when stresses at work were high I found rest in my tasks because I knew the Holy. It was a great reminder to me of how easy it is to forget our early years and our first passions to serve the Lord. How can I not perform my work to the highest degree? I am ALIVE in Christ! The very thought of knowing I am born into the family of God should suspend all my worries. The best thing about our work at AIM Air is that we worked among brothers in Christ of another nation. Again this happens everywhere, but I was awestruck by God’s provision for his people in every nation. It was a great encouragement to work alongside my African brothers, knowing our work is sending the gospel to the edges of Africa. The call to every tribe tongue and nation may look like an enormous number on paper, but it is attainable in our generation.
As the day closed out Gregg and I decided to take the Matatu back to Mayfield. Another exciting ride, as our driver cut off six lanes of traffic by going 90% into the roundabout. Cars and busses tried to bully him away, but he stood fast with less than inches between him and a massive charter bus he commandeered the roundabout. Our small van cheered as the driver made it successfully to the inside lane. A few minutes later we arrived near Mayfield and closed our day.
Great updates bro. Keep em coming. Study Hard.